I'll be the first to admit, I'm always skeptical about various creams like this... so many promises, but how many will be met? I know Philosophy is a good brand - I've used some of their 'fun' seasonal products around Christmas, like the peppermint wash. But it wasn't until recently that I really started to freak out about the way my face was starting to look more aged. I use a good lotion... but not one that 'treats' specifically... just something to keep it glowing healthy. And for those purpose, it has worked.

So I started using this cream early in the month. It didn't replace anything in routing, rather, I added it to my nightly ritual. To start, it felt really good going on. It didn't take much for full facial and neck coverage, which make the price tag more bearable, because this will last for awhile, using it daily. I know the price tag has made me shy away from trying new products! Second thing I notice was the cool feeling you get initially - just like it says on the jar - cool-lift! It even has a nice, fresh, clean scent that was just light enough to hit the senses, So my initial thoughts were pretty positive on it.
Fast forward a couple of week. I'd love to say I saw overwhelming results. But with most products, the 'real' results aren't instant. But I am seeing some slight changes that, without me trying to find something, I might miss. For example, I feel like each night I apply, my skin feels a little tighter than the night before. I also see a slight reduction in the size of my pores on either side of my nose... this is a big deal for me, because this was one of the things I recently noticed was seemingly worse than it was when I was younger.
Final verdict? I like this stuff. I'm going to keep it in my routine, because I'm anxious to see what other results will come through. And maybe I'll even add it to my morning routine, in addition, which it says you can do... or I'll just keep it in my night routine. We'll see. One thing I can say to those out there debating, though... don't let the price scare you off. This one is worth the try, for the price.