I don't get sick too often, but when I do, it hits me pretty hard. And as 'luck' would have it, I got the nasty cold that everyone around me has had just in time to try Robitussin Severe Cough Cold & Flu. Lucky me?
I'm not big on taking medicine unless I really have to... which usually means it something pretty severe. And this cold... this one had everything. Coughing, sore throat, sinus pressure and, eventually, runny nose and sneezing as this lovely sinuses started to drain. Since the cough and sore throat were the early symptoms that seemed to be sticking through it all, it seemed to make sense to go to a brand know for their cough medicines, right? Here's the other thing... I'm not a big fan of liquid medicines. Never a fan of the flavors. I'd rather chock down a big pill... which I hate to do, as well. I wish everything just came in gummy form... but I digress.
So this new version of Robitussin (Severe) promised better flavor. That was a start. And to this day, after going through a whole bottle of it (and thermos), I can't quite put my finger on what the flavor was. I swear, there were notes of chocolate in it... chocolate covered cherry, maybe?? It wasn't sweet like your typical medicinal cherry flavor - there was no sweetness at all. Regardless, while I wouldn't guzzle a whole bottle down, I kind of liked to flavor, for what it was worth. That's a lot for me to say that! So yay!
But at the end of the day, it still had the pitfalls of a liquid medicine... you had to take it every four hours. I don't like having to think about it or, even more so, having my symptoms creep back up on me so often. And while it did subdue my symptoms, I wouldn't say it completely quelled them. I still had to use cough drops for the sore throat and coughing. Maybe my symptoms were more sever than intended for this severe formula? It did note that it the sore throat persisted, I should go see a doctor. I couldn't find the nighttime version that's out there - maybe it's better for overnight... the regular stuff did not last through the night. I woke up way early, very stuffed up and coughing.
So did it work...? Yes, kind of. I think I have high expectations when it comes to medicine. I want it to work quick, and last long. This didn't do that. I also want to evidence of any my symptoms... I'd rather a numb throat I can't feel than have it just be 'less sore' so I can still drink and eat like normal. My hungers is usually nonexistent when I'm sick, anyway.
Would I recommend it? Well, I wouldn't NOT recommend it. My husband prefers liquid medicine and this would probably be right up his alley in flavor and effectiveness. So it really depends on the person and what they expect with their medicinal needs. I'd still like to see what my options are on the gummy side of medicine.
In recent years, I've become a bigger fan of the Aveeno brand. Not that I didn't like the brand before... just really never tried it until I was able to sample some products through CrowdTap. I've even gotten my husband on one of their shampoos - it's the only one he likes to use now!
That said, my most recent 'try me!' opportunity came in the form of their Ultra Calming Nourishing Night Cream. I've tried night creams before, but it's just not a habit I've quite gotten into - which is bad. I always felt like they were too heavy for me. Well, as fate would have it, right before I received my sample in the mail, I had this rough, dry patch of skin area on my cheek, due to the change in weather and turning on the heat. It was annoying, more than anything, but it was also the perfect opportunity to try this stuff out!
One thing I can say, is that if I can feel a product doing something when I put it on, I will be much more likely to continue to use it. With any product, I feel like true visual effects are hard to see on yourself, since you see the change occur so gradually But if you can feel something happening... well, I can that something to pay attention to. And that was the case when I out on this face lotion... un not just the dry area referenced above, in other areas, I fell it almost tingle, if you well... basically, feel it absorbing, as it didn't leave my face with a heavy lotion feel.
And after using it for about a week or so, the dry, rough spot was gone! So I would call that a successful trial run! This is a lotion I could get behind to use nightly. It didn't exactly what I hoped it would do, without and of the side issues I don't want. Avenue wins again!